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Our Journals

Explore our range of Christian journals. Each journal is uniquely crafted for writing and recording purposes. They are designed to be kept as a record of what Jesus shares and shows you during your quiet time with Him. Whether you need to record revelations, visions, declarations, strategies or even intercessory prayers. These journals are a great aid for note taking and journaling purposes.

Our Devotional Books

Explore our Devotional Book range. Our 52 Weekly Devotional books are designed to help you grow in your walk with Jesus over a one-year period. It has been said that we can forget up to 70% of new information within 24 hours. We are sometimes tempted to just read a devotional once and move one. Make the most out of these 52 weekly devotionals by meditating on each devotional for 7 days (one devotional per week), applying what you read, and see the transformation change in your life.

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